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Benefits of Call Answering Service by Outsourcing to Trained Specialists

An area that commonly needs a little more attention from business owners is catching up with missed or unanswered calls and emails and finding new ways to keep up with clients and vendors. If your company is being weighed down with missed calls, unanswered voicemails or emails piling up quicker than you can answer them, maybe it’s time to consider a spring cleaning for your call answering services. Don’t have the time to do so? Outsourcing call answering services to a call center might be right for your business, whether you’re a construction company, plumber or accounting firm.

Hiring a call center is an easy and effective solution to outsourcing old missed calls and emails as well organize new calls and emails that come in. Many businesses find that hiring a receptionist who can tackle every call effectively, patiently and correctly is not easy, as receptionists often end up handling additional tasks such as greeting guests and directing visitors. Receptionists also mean wages, benefits and a workspace; businesses typically spend tens of thousands of dollars on hiring someone to answer the phone, save and outsource! No matter how experienced they may be, hiring a new receptionist will also require hours of training for your specific business; training new hires can mean 30 or more hours of paid training time as well as first-time errors. By outsourcing calls, you not only guarantee that your calls will be answered by a trained call-answering specialist, but you will not fall behind in getting back to your clients, vendors, etc. while spending less.

Knowing when to outsource your calls to a call center is simple. Is the productivity of your business in any way diminished by an influx of calls or emails? Are your employees bogged down with unanswered calls? Are they often forced to put aside other tasks because of incoming calls? Do you presently have calls, emails or voicemails that have not been returned? If you answered yes to any of those questions then investing in an answering service might just be the spring cleaning routine your business needs most to be more successful.

Contact our team at Pittsburgh Telephone Answering Service today to discuss the best approach for a spring cleaning of your business’s calls. Our team of experienced, professional telephone representatives is ready to help you succeed!